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Ukraine Needs More M31 Missiles for Their HIMARS and M270


HIMARS and M270 remain the leading platforms among all weapons that help Ukraine to defend its territory against the invaders. According to some opinions, they are even better than the famous cluster munitions,

Cluster munitions for 155 mm artillery is not going to change the situation in Ukraine. The new artillery rounds will have an impact and will help fight Russians in Ukraine, but the war will not be any closer to a conclusion just because of cluster munition rounds delivered to Ukraine from the US. However, Ukraine does see some weapons that could have a more significant impact.

French LRU system in Ukraine: a European version of the American M270.

French LRU system in Ukraine. That’s a European version of the American M270. Image credit: Олексій Мазепа / АрміяInform of Ukraine via Wikimedia (CC BY 4.0)

Ukraine has been using HIMARS and M270 systems to great effect. In fact, they believe that the deliveries of these systems and their deep strikes to command posts, warehouses and logistics routes helped liberate significant areas of Ukraine.

Cluster munitions are great, but the defenders of Ukraine believe that it is more important to unlock the full potential of HIMARS and M270 to really change the situation on the frontlines.

How can it be done? First of all, Ukraine needs longer range weapons. ATACMS missiles are launched by HIMARS and M270 systems. They can reach targets 300 km away and have a tremendous explosive effect. Just the presence of these weapons would force Russians to rethink their military infrastructure.

The US has warned Ukraine not to use American weapons to strike the territory of the Russian Federation, but Crimea is part of Ukraine and there are many military targets there. Furthermore, ATACMS is a tactical ballistic missile and Russians do not have the means to take these kinds of weapons down. This, coupled with the accuracy of the ATACMS, means that strikes from these missiles would be tremendously effective.

But even before the ATACMS Ukraine is eyeing some other ammunition for HIMARS and M270 systems. Roman Svitan, a military expert, pilot instructor and reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, believes that radical changes on the battlefield will occur when Ukraine receives more M31 missiles for HIMARS and M270 systems. They can eliminate all Russian supply chains, as their operating range is 90 km.

With current ammunition Ukrainian HIMARS can reach targets up to 70 km away. “Usually the soldiers have supplies for two to three weeks. The supply of ATACMS will change the situation on the front, just like the M31 missiles in their time,” said the military expert.

HIMARS and M270 are definitely game-changers for Ukraine. These platforms have several different missiles available, but the partners of Ukraine are not quick to deliver those capabilities.

And there is another thing that Ukraine is waiting for – the hope that soon (let’s say, within a year) Ukrainian skies will be defended by F-16 fighter jets, is still alive.

Written by Povilas M.

Sources: Wikipedia,


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